香港醫藥援助會 Project Concern Hong Kong


1. Clean the denture after eating

Take off the denture after eating. Then, clean oddments and dental plaque which accumulate on the edge of denture by using the tooth-brush and denture cleansers, in the purpose of preventing the discoloration.



2. Soak the denture before sleep

Take off the denture before sleep. Then, put it into the water and soak it. This can provide an opportunity for the gum to have a rest. When immersing the denture, DON’T use hot water as it will make the denture become deformed easily.


 3. Replace the denture regularly

Even wearing the suitable denture for several years, the situation of loosing and malocclusion may happen. If you feel uncomfortable after wearing the denture, you should bring along your denture and seek for consultation in dental clinic to amend it or replace the unsuitable one.