香港醫藥援助會 Project Concern Hong Kong


What is Caries?


Caries is a bacterial infection causing destruction of, starting from the outer layer of enamel, to the inner tissues (refer to the diagram below).



Causes of Caries


When bacteria accumulate, they will form plaque. Plaque will react with sugar and form acid, destroying teeth and resulting in caries gradually. Patients will feel pain, have difficulties in chewing or even affect their daily lives. If it is not treated timely, destroyed teeth may need to be extracted.



Prevention of Caries

  • Control the eating habits. Avoid eating in-between the meals.
  • Intake more food containing iodine and fluoride, like seafood, which is good to the development of teeth.
  • Using toothpaste which contains fluorides.
  • Having dental examination and brush the teeth regularly.

Treatments of Caries

  • Tooth-filling
  • Endodontic therapy (also called root canal therapy)
  • Extraction of teeth