香港醫藥援助會 Project Concern Hong Kong

What is Periodontitis?


When the dental plaque recedes due to damage, periodontal pocket will be formed between the teeth and gum, which will destroy the jaw bone. If the jaw bone cannot support the gum, gum recession will occur continuously and the root will be exposed, leading to the development of periodontitis. 

Symptoms of Periodontitis


Gums are weak, painful and easily bleed. More seriously, the gums will be swollen and inflamed. If patients do not accept timely treatment, the gums will recede that the root will be exposed and the teeth will drift. Teeth maybe even lost in the later stage of periodontitis.


Causes of Periodontitis

  • Incorrect brushing method
  • Lack of Vitamin C
  • Uncoordinated hormone e.g. during adolescence and pregnancy
  • Suffering from diabetes
  • Smoking

Prevention of Periodontitis

  • Brush teeth every day in the morning and before bed at night
  • Absorb sufficient Vitamin C
  • Use dental floss or interdental brush to clean the teeth
  • Have dental check-up regularly


Treatment of Periodontitis

  • Use ultrasonic scaler to clean the teeth and remove calculus.
  • Root planning, use scaling device to remove the calculus adhered to the surface of the root in the periodontal pocket and clean up the affected periodontal tissues.
  • Periodontal surgery, raise the gums to completely clean up the affected periodontal tissues near the root.