Sensitive Teeth
Cause of sensitive teeth:
Sensitive teeth are mainly caused by exposed dentine. Causes of expored dentine are including the follows:
- Use of toothbrush with bristles that are too hard, or brushing with excessive force.
- Frequent consumption of highly acidic food or beverages.
- Habitual grinding of teeth (bruxism).
- Gum disease of aging leading to gum recession.
- The cementum covering the root is removed after receiving treatment of root planning.
- According to the oral condition, dentist may apply topical fluoride varnish or perform filling on the affected tooth surface.
- The dentist may construct a "mouth guard" to prevemt further wear off of teeth from habitual grinding.
- Use of desensitizing toothpaste to relieve tooth sensitivity. You should consult your dentist before purchasing or using this type of toothpaste.
- Use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
- Brush with a gentle force.
- Aviod frequent intake of highly acidic food or beverages. Intake of fruit juice, sports drinks, soft drinks, yogurt, red wine, white wine, etc., should be reduced to aviod acidic attack.
- Aviod biting on hard food.
- Sufficient sleep and exercise. It helps to relieve stress and aviod bruxism (teeth grinding).
Reference: Oral Health Education Division