香港醫藥援助會 Project Concern Hong Kong


What is floaters or eye floaters?Poster of Floaters (Chinese version only)
Floaters are visible deposits within the eye's vitreous.  The spots will drift when you move your eyes and will dart away when you try to look at time directly.

Cause of floaters
The most common cause of floater is the degeneration of the vitreous.  

People at risk for floaters

  • Aged over 40
  • Myopia (short-sightendness)
  • Eye injury
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Have undergone cataract surgery
  • Eye inflammation

Common shpaes of floaters

  • Black or grey dots
  • Worm shapes
  • Squiggly lines
  • Small flecks
  • Ring shapes


Types of floaters

  1. Congenital: commonly for peresons under the age of 40 and the objects exist within the eye itself.
  2. Degeneracy: commonly for peresons over the age of 40 and it is due to vitreous or retinal detachments.
  3. Pathological: It is caused by abnormal deposits in the vitreous which can be white blood cells, red blood cells, drug remnants, parts of the cataract and retinal flaps.

Treatment of floaters
Floaters are not related to or caused by ocular or systemic disease or abnormal.  If floaters become a nuisance or begin to impare your vision, please consult an ophthaomologist for treatment options, such as vitrectomy or laser treatment. 

Prevention of floaters
  • Consume enough vitamins
  • Aviod drinks with caffeine
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Reducing stress, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly

The above information is for reference only.  Please consult opthalmologists for further examination.