Tianjiu is a traditional treatment based on the theories and clinical experience of Chinese medicine. Patches of Chinese medicine are adhered to stimulate particular acupoints. The therapy can enhance Yang and achieve a balance of Yin-Yang in our body so as to increase our body strength and aim at preventing and curing diseases . Adopting Tian-Jiu treatment on the “San Jiu Tian” (三九天) after the winter solstice is effective to prevent some diseases such as:
According to literatures of Chinese medicine, adopting Tian-Jiu treatment for continuously three years is effective in reducing the symptom of allergic rhinitis and asthma.
Application of Tianjiu
San Fu Tian (三伏天) and San Jiu Tian (三九天) refer to the three hottest days and three colest days of the year. Chinese medicine practitioners will adopt Tianjiou treatment to patients in the above periods to cure seasonal diseases.
What is San Fu Tian (三伏天)?
San Fu Tian refers to the three days which are the hottest and have the highest level of Yang inside our body. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that diseases in winter should be cared in summer and hence develop Tianjiu treatment. Patients are adhered with medicine pastes in the three hottest days in summer to keep the balance of Yin-Yang inside their body. It can strengthen the immune system and reduce the chance of getting diseases in winter.
What is San Jiu Tian (三九天)?
According to Chinese calendar, there are three phases after the winter solstice. The three days is the coldest day of the year. Nature and human body stays at the most debilitating condition in Yang, especially susceptible to respiratory diseases. Chinese medicine theory believes that apply Chinese medicine patches to the appropriate acupuncture points could invigorate the circulation of Qi and blood, strengthen body and increase disease-resistant ability.
The “Tianjiu” treatment is effective in the following diseases:
The Reaction of “Tianji